Welcome to Lausanne Europe 20/21
Conversation and Gathering

Imagine a conference centre where you walk in at the beginning of the day and are able to meet hundreds of others. The Scoocs platform does the same, with multiple ways to connect with content, and to network with those you want to meet! Unlike zoom, which ends when the host decides, meetings in Scoocs don't. If you are in an interesting conversation after a seminar has ended, you can choose to stay on, or take the discussion to a more private setting on a networking table. Scoocs is a very powerful platform, and we hope you use it to its fullest extent!

If you need further assistance please email us at info @ lausanneeurope.org

Use this menu to navigate through the instructions


IMPORTANT: For best Gathering experience, please use Chrome

You can also use the app on your phone!


Scoocs' official welcome video

Please note: Not all elements mentioned in the video, such as the event hub, the media library, or the booths will be available during the Gathering.


Check In

When you click on the link in the email we sent you, you should be taken to a page that looks similar to this. Please use the email address we used to send you these instructions, as this is the email you have used to register and the one that is in our system.

Already registered

If you put in your email address in the box during the check in stage, but get this red box stating that you are already registered on this platform, it just means that you have used Scoocs before, either with us during Engage II, or with another event. Click the X on the right side of the box and proceed to the sign in instructions below.

Sign In

Again, please use the email address we used to send you these instructions, as this is the email you have used to register and the one that is in our system. If you do not remember your password, don't worry, simply click on the "Forgot you Password?" link below the password field. If you do not receive and email with the password reset link, within a few minutes, please check your spam folder.

Wrong Email address

If you get the following message, it is because you either made a typo in your email address, or we have a completely different email address for you in our system. Please go back to the email you received from us, as this is the address we have on file for you, double check your email address and use that one.

    Profile setup

    General Information

    As soon as you've logged into Scoocs you will have the opportunity to setup your profile page. If you didn't already have a password in the setup stage, you will be asked to enter a password here. This will complete your account setup. Please upload a picture of yourself so we can see you. Add as little or as much information on here as you're comfortable with. The more information you give here though, the more people will want to connect with you.

    Don't worry you can always come back and edit / add / remove any section of your profile at any time during the gathering!


    This section of the profile setup is crucial and will drive your networking throughout the Gathering and enable you to connect with other delegates with similar interests. This is a two-step process. First, you are able to select areas where you have knowledge or experience within certain field - this tells other delegates what you can offer them. Second, you are able to select areas where you would like to connect with others who have experience within a certain field. So, for example, let's say you are a church planter but would like to find more sustainable ways of supporting your work, and so you would like to meet a business person - you would select church planter in the "I offer" section, and Business as Mission in the "I look for" section. The system will then automatically match you up with people who desire to meet church planters as well as business people.

    Social Media

    In this section of your profile you will be able to add other ways in which other delegates can connect with you via your social media or even your personal website if you have one! Here you can also select whether other delegates are able to see your email address, or whether you want to keep it hidden and give it out as other delegates request it.

      Scoocs walk through

      The dashboard

      After you're done with your profile setup you will be taken to your dashboard, which will look similar to this. This is where you will be able to see all the program elements and view sessions.

      Menu on the left

      The menu on the left will take you to all the various pages you need in order to experience the Gathering to its fullest!

      Profile Page

      This button will take you back to your profile page so you can edit your personal information.


      This button will take you back to your dashboard where you can access all the program elements.

      My programme

      This button will take you to your curated program. As you star items in the program they will appear here.


      This button will take you to see all the various speakers we have lined up for you. Click on a name to see which sessions they're speaking in!

      Networking Tables

      This button will take you to the networking tables. This is where you will join speakers for meals, join others for hangouts, or create your own tables around desired themes.

      all delegates

      This button will enable you to see all the delegates that are registered. Click on any name to find out more about them, add them to your favourites list, send them a private message, or set up a one-to-one meeting with them!

      Your Matched Delegates

      This button will enable you to see who the system has matched you with. This list is curated by the tags you selected in your profile under the headings "I offer" and "I look for".


      This button will bring you back to this page if you need a refresher!


      This button will take you back to your profile page so you can edit your personal information.


      If you need help, this button will enable you to email the Scoocs platform people and ask for help.


      To leave the conference, please click the logout button.

        Menu on the right

        Announcement Tab

        On this tab, you will be able to see which general session is up next and any other announcements from the Lausanne Europe team.

        Public chat

        On this tab, you will be able to join in on the public chat with all the delegates from around Europe.

        Networking Tab

        On this tab, you will be able to join the breakout rooms by clicking on "Meet other Delegates". If you have indicated that you need translation, please click "Join Breakout Room | Other Languages" this will take you to the Networking Tables, navigate to Day 1 to see all the groups available in the various languages!

        Your matched delegates

        When you enter the "Your Matched Delegates" page you will see all the delegates the system has matched to your tags. To select a delegate click on them and a window will open up where you will be able to message them privately, add them to your list of favourites, and schedule a meeting.

        In the top left corner you will be able to adjust your personal tags by clicking the button "SET TAGS", view your list of favourite contacts by clicking in the box, or search for a specific person, location, organisation, position, or tag in the search box.

        Networking tables

        The networking tables are one of the key ways to network throughout the gathering. Go there to pray with others in the 24/7 prayer room or join an available table to meet others! You are also able to create your own table in the top left corner centred on a theme of your choice.

        To join a room, simply click on "Join" in the bottom right corner. You can also select a room, top right corner, to add it to your programme.


        See who is in the room, and how many seats are still available before joining a room.


        How to join sessions

        To join a session, simply click on it in the calendar view or in the agenda overview, and a window will open - you will either need to "Join" the session by clicking the green button in the lop left corner, or you will be able to view it directly in that window.

        If and when you "Join" a session, make sure you allow your microphone to be used, as well as your camera. To leave a session all you need to do is navigate away from it or close the tab.

        Allow Camera


        Allow Microphone



        Plenary sessions will be translated into Spanish, French, and German. Access the sessions by clicking on them in the timeline or in the agenda, then turn down or mute the audio of the session, which will be in English, and press play on the language of your choice
