Networking Seminar

Apologetics in Christian Mission in Europe and Beyond

In a postmodern, post-factual society people are less concerned with the question of truth. Rather, they want to know about how to lead a good and happy life. Accordingly, the objections against Christianity have shifted from strong intellectual objections to emotional and especially moral objections towards the Christian faith. Apathy is one of our biggest challenges in Europe. Therefore, apologetics, which wants to show the relevance of Jesus Christ for the individual and society today, needs to talk about the truth, the power and the beauty of the Gospel. We are called to tell the better story. This is what we want to explore in this multiplex.
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Julia Garschagen is a theologian and serves as the director of the Pontes Institut for Science, Culture and Faith in the German-speaking region. She speaks at universities and in the business context across Europe and loves to be in dialogue about a faith that is both intellectually credible and existentially satisfying. Julia co-leads the biggest evangelistic youth outreach in the German-speaking world and teaches apologetics at a theological seminary. She is also co-founder of the charity Dios te ve, which helps young people in Peru to get a higher education. Julia lives in Cologne, Germany and loves the mountains.

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Prof. Stefan Gustavsson is director of Apologia (Centrum för Kristen Apologetik, the Center for Christian Apologetics) in Stockholm and founded the Swedish Evangelical Alliance, of which he also became the first general secretary. He is also a professor at the Gimlekollen School of Journalism and Communication in Kristiansand, Norway.