Networking Seminar

Burning On without Burning Out

Why do I find myself becoming spiritually dry in my life and ministry? This seminar seeks to explore this theme and to discover ways in which we can, with Christ's help, be able to continue flourishing and bearing fruit for Him without burning out.
About the speaker
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Together with her husband Peter, Anna has been in missions for over 40 years, in Pakistan, Portugal, and currently Greece. Although she is from Northern Ireland, her family background is Goan and she has been involved over the years in a wide range of ministries and cross-cultural contexts. She has served as International Membercare Coordinator with European Christian Mission (ECM) and studied Biblical Counselling with CCEF. She is passionate about people and loves it when others flourish and grow into the calling God has given them. When God stretches people through trials and challenges, she loves to be able to come alongside them, listening and helping them toward a place of fulfilment and hope. She enjoys reading, walking, and being with her family, one son, two daughters, two sons-in-law, and two wonderful grandsons.