Commissioning Service

The final session of our Gathering is a time of praising God together, listening to and reflecting on his Word. We are sent out to serve Him in today’s Europe with our time, talents, and treasures. The Commissioning Service is led by Lars Dahle and Usha Reifsneider and features speakers Zefjan Nikolla, Anca Cocos and Luke Greenwood.
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Anca and Ionel have been married for 22 years. Together they have three children together, Alex, Marian, and Filil. They serve as pastors to Roma in the centre of Romania, in a city called Bahnea, and the surrounding villages. They started working together just before they got married, and have a mission team in the villages. Anca is on the worship team and ministers to the women in the villages where they work. From an early age, Anca had a dream of helping abandoned children, and two years ago they took in two abandoned children that are still with them.

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Luke Greenwood serves as the European Director for Steiger, a mission dedicated to reaching the Global Youth Culture for Jesus. The Steiger Europe team is raising up a movement of dynamic missionary teams reaching secular culture in key European cities. Luke wrote a book called Global Youth Culture: The Spiritual Hunger of the Largest Unreached Culture Today, which came out in 2019. He lives in Wroclaw, Poland, with his wife Ania and their two children.

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Zefjan Nikolla is the General Secretary of BSKSH (IFES Albania) and pastor of “Emanuel” Evangelical Church in Tirana. He is involved in various national and international evangelistic initiatives ranging from youth ministries to attempts to reach government leaders. He is also the director of the Albanian Leadership Forum. His passions include sports, reading, and above all seeing his nation turn to Christ. Zefjan is married to Edita and they have two daughters, Greis and Emili.