Teaching Seminar

Dynamic Gospel for Europe’s Secular Young Adults

Many young people and young adults don’t set foot into our churches anymore. Having grown up in a secularized Europe, this generation is looking for purpose and wanting to belong, but is apathetic to the Gospel. The church has gone from losing its relevance to losing its moral ground in their minds. But, at the same time, they want equality, justice and freedom. They are spiritually hungry. God’s heart is for this young Europe, and they need the chance to hear again about the power, truth and beauty of the Gospel in a way that is accessible to them.
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Julia Garschagen is a theologian and serves as the director of the Pontes Institut for Science, Culture and Faith in the German-speaking region. She speaks at universities and in the business context across Europe and loves to be in dialogue about a faith that is both intellectually credible and existentially satisfying. Julia co-leads the biggest evangelistic youth outreach in the German-speaking world and teaches apologetics at a theological seminary. She is also co-founder of the charity Dios te ve, which helps young people in Peru to get a higher education. Julia lives in Cologne, Germany and loves the mountains.

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Luke Greenwood serves as the European Director for Steiger, a mission dedicated to reaching the Global Youth Culture for Jesus. The Steiger Europe team is raising up a movement of dynamic missionary teams reaching secular culture in key European cities. Luke wrote a book called Global Youth Culture: The Spiritual Hunger of the Largest Unreached Culture Today, which came out in 2019. He lives in Wroclaw, Poland, with his wife Ania and their two children.

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Based in Dusseldorf (Germany) and Brussels (Belgium), Christel Lamère Ngnambi, a Belgian of Cameroonian origin, is passionate about all-life Christian discipleship and public engagement. Trained as a political scientist, he worked for 12 years as an analyst and then as a representative to the European Union for the European Evangelical Alliance in the fields of human rights, poverty, migration and the environment. This diversity of fields has led him to intersect the themes of ideas and convictions, social issues, political issues and existential questions. Today, Christel offers his services as a consultant in strategic and political communication, working among others with imagoDei in France and Cross-Current (IFES) in Europe to mentor and inspire young adults. His heart’s desire is to "make God matter" and see strategic partnerships among Christians emerge to effectively address today’s complex needs, to God’s glory. He is married to Victoria and loves playing African and Brazilian percussions.