Networking Seminar

Equipping the Now Generation for Lifelong Resilient Discipleship

Europe now needs leadership from the young people who know they are called for such a time as this!
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Originally from N. Ireland (UK), Harry has been a missionary in Belgium since 1983 and has been involved in full-time children’s ministry since 1990. He and his wife Catherine have been married for 32 years and have 2 adult children who are both married and serving the Lord with their spouses.

As Regional Coordinator for Europe with Action International Ministries, he serves on the leadership team of his local church in French-speaking Belgium and as an associate for children’s ministry with the European Evangelical Alliance. As Convenor of the EEA-Hope for Europe Children’s Ministry Network since 2008, he has helped launch both Children’s and Youth Ministry networks in Europe. In 2016 he became a certified member of the John Maxwell Team to better equip today’s and tomorrow’s leaders. He is passionate about seeing children and youth grow as disciples of Jesus and discover their God-given gifts and purpose in life.

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The Dutchwoman Jo Haaijer has been involved in leadership roles in the business world, NGO’s, ministry organizations and churches. She has been married to her husband Martijn for 30 years and has adult children who are serving the Lord. Martijn and Jo are serving churches in The Netherlands with leadership development and teambuilding.

Since 2014 Jo Haaijer has served Onehope, first as National Coordinator and later in the role of European director. Onehope is a global ministry reaching children and youth with God's Word. We are sharing God’s word with children during a time of uncertainty and strategically equipping churches to share Scripture in new ways. These could be print, digital, film and even church planting.

Recently, Onehope brought out a global study on Youth Culture, covering the trends and behaviours of today’s teenagers, the most connected generation. More than 8,300 teens from 20 countries completed an online survey for the Global Youth Culture project.
Jo works with partners throughout Europe to reach children and youth with a relevant Gospel message.

Jo also serves in the Lausanne Europe Process Team and is a board member for the Wycliffe Global Alliance.