Teaching Seminar

Ethics and AI

AI is useful. AI is problematic. AI is pervasive. Areas of application vary immensely and are increasing. As with any pervading technology, a redefinition of what we consider human beings, of how we live as society, of what we value and of what we aspire to ensues. As Christians, we are called to engage in the debate while offering a biblically faithful and fresh ethical perspective to the challenges we live and will be living.
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Alessandro Piccirillo is currently working in the field of Clinical Trials Data Management. With a background in Social Sciences and Communications and a post-grad in Bioethics, he is collaborating with Centro di Studi di Etica e Bioetica of IFED (Padua, Italy), with the shared ambition of providing an Evangelical contribution to the public arena. He is a member of the Italian Evangelical Alliance and an elder of the local church to which he belongs. Alessandro and his wife Francesca live in the North of Italy with their three children.

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Jan Sturesson is Chairman of the ICCC international board and runs a consultancy practice called "RESTING - Advice from the Future". He is also an international strategy advisor, with clients in the private and public sectors as well as international organizations such as the UN and EU. Once a partner in PWC and an advisor to the World Economic Forum, he has been involved in the areas of government and public service industry and future global agenda councils on governance and urbanization. Jan has published several books on serving God full-time in both our professions and businesses. He is married to Catarina, has three children and four grandchildren and lives in the south of Sweden.