Dynamic Gospel: How the Dynamic Gospel will Change Europe Tomorrow

On the last night of the program we will turn to the future, pray and dream on what the Gospel can do in the future of our continent. We will look at how the Spirit wants to change our hearts to look at the future with faith and hope.
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Raphael Anzenberger is an evangelist, speaker and author, serving globally with a passion to raise a new generation of young apostolic leaders. He is Director of imagoDei, President of France Evangelization and CEO of the Global Evangelists Forum. He serves as ambassador at large for the board of the Conseil National des Evangéliques de France (CNEF) and travels extensively as a consultant in evangelism, church planting and leadership. His second dissertation dealt with whole-nation saturation church-planting strategies (DPhil, Columbia International University, College of Intercultural Studies). He was named the Billy Graham Lausanne Scholar for 2018. Married with four children, he lives in Nice, France.

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Kate has over 30 years of leadership experience in the church, charity, voluntary and business sectors. She served a term as Chair of the UK Evangelical Alliance Council (2012-2014), is a former president of the Baptist Union of Great Britain (2006-2007), and a Baptist Minister. Kate has gained a reputation as a visionary and an inspiration to many. She is a strategic advisor who mentors, coaches and supports leaders and organisations locally, nationally and internationally. Recognised as one of the 20 most influential black Christian women leaders in the UK, her network extends across all sectors and church denominations. Kate is author of 7 Deadly Sins of Women in Leadership. She is also a Certified Stakeholder Centered Coach and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA).