Teaching Seminar

Islam and the Gospel

In this seminar we are addressing some key questions that emerge from our experience of welcoming immigrants and refugees:
  • How can we understand the times we are living in now in Europe?
  • What purpose does the Lord have amongst Muslims in Europe?
  • What is the narrative of mission that is being played out in Europe – and beyond?
  • What 21st century Gospel story is the Lord inviting us to be a part of?
We will look for biblical insight as we try to answer these questions and consider how we can respond to the opportunities that are before us.
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Yassir Eric is an outstanding expert on Islam, not only academically, but also because of his personal migration background. He is a sought-after speaker in many nations and continents. For several years he served as a lecturer and pastor of migrant churches in Germany. To prepare for these roles he graduated with theological and cross-cultural study degrees from ESCT and the Protestant University of Applied Sciences, Ludwigsburg. Since 2013 Yassir has directed the European Institute for Migration, Integration and Islamic Issues (EIMI) at AWM. He also serves as ESCT-Faculty member.

About the speaker
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Andy James became a follower of Jesus while at university in Newcastle, UK. He has been a part of World Horizons since 1984 - and for 20 years served the church in Egypt and the wider Middle East. He is one of the founders and Director of the Al Massira Trust - and one of the leaders of Lighthouse Community Church in Burry Port, South Wales where he currently resides. He is married to Louise and has three grown-up daughters. He enjoys being in the mountains, surfing, and watercolour painting.