Networking Seminar

Whole-Life Mentoring to Release Gospel Joy and Boldness

It is vital that our Gospel communication is authentic. Through Whole-Life mentoring “the reason for our hope” matures in us and we find relevant words to express it. In our seminar we will learn from Jesus and explore together the importance of asking questions, listening, encouraging, equipping and being in the Bible together. As we come alongside one another in mutuality and vulnerability, our lives are transformed and hope can spread in our circle of relationships.
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Ole-Magnus Olafsrud is from Norway and, after some years with the Navigators, now serves with the global Lausanne Movement from the NGO Barnabas Focus. He chairs the Lausanne Mentoring Leadership Team following the Gathering for 1200 younger leaders and mentors in Jakarta in 2016. They mobilize mentors for generational disciple-making through equipped whole-life mentoring of younger leaders for global mission. He chairs the Coordination Team for the Lausanne Dynamic Gospel-New Europe. He and his wife Kari, who is also passionate about coming alongside younger leaders, have three married sons and thirteen grandchildren.

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Dragos Vlasceanu, from Romania is Sorina's husband and they have three children together. He coordinates two Centers for children with special needs and autism in Romania, where the lives of over 100 children and families are changed. Since 2004 he has been involved with IFES Romania as General Secretary among other roles and is now serving on the national board of IFES Romania. In 2016 he attended the Lausanne Younger Leaders Gathering in Jakarta where he met Ole-Magnus Olafsrud and they started a beautiful mentoring relationship. He is involved in the leadership team of a local church, and trains leaders in Romania and beyond.