December 2020 Conversation
Welcome to the December Conversation page, the last one for the unforgettable year of 2020. The focus for the final Impact Group of the year is community, so we are giving you fewer things to discuss this month so you will have more time for sharing and praying together. But there will be time to engage with a fascinating interview about online community, something we have all had to learn about this year.
As always, all the materials can be accessed below and you should make sure you listen to the podcast before you come to the Impact Group.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at
And if you are just starting your Impact Group, or are confused about what they are about, then check out the introduction pages to the Conversation and Impact Groups to find out more.
As always, all the materials can be accessed below and you should make sure you listen to the podcast before you come to the Impact Group.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at
And if you are just starting your Impact Group, or are confused about what they are about, then check out the introduction pages to the Conversation and Impact Groups to find out more.
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Mobilisation Podcast
This month we have a fantastic interview for you to listen to. Nay Dawson works with IFES Europe as their Regional Training Coordinator. Yet over the last year she has set up an initiative called Community in a Crisis to help churches build relational churches online. In the podcast, amongst other things she talks about loneliness, friendships, building community online, zoom fatigue, worship, online church with children, and how to share the hope of the gospel in the midst of Covid.
Podcast and Transcript
1. Introductions and Prayer
Give time for everyone to introduce themselves if this is your first Impact Group. Ask someone to pray that God would speak to us as we meet together.
2. Fellowship
This has been a challenging year for all of us. So we wanted this final Impact Group of 2020 to have enough time to share stories. They might be testimonies of God's faithfulness, or of lessons learned, or of trials still being endured. Whatever, we want to encourage you to take time to pray for each other. We suggest at least half of the Impact Group time be dedicated to this.
3. Mobilisation
Having listened to the Podcast we would like you to discuss the following questions:
- Loneliness has been a real issue for many people during 2020 due to the Covid pandemic restrictions. Have you personally found that to be the case? Have you found it difficult to find balance in your daily life during this year? We encourage you to share and reflect honestly on this together.
- What stood out to you from Nay Dawson's story of building community online? Are there changes that you or your church might make to do online community better?
- Do you see opportunities for creating community within your church in this season? Do you need to partner with somebody to see this happen?
- Where do you see needs and opportunities in the society around you to build community?
4. Prayer
We want to conclude this final Impact Group of 2020 with one more moment of prayer. Use the following prayer points to guide you.
- Pray for God to show us where we might have become complacent in building community with those around us.
- Pray that the Holy Spirit will teach us how to build community in this time when so many of us have to do it online.
- Pray that the Lord will show us the people in our contexts that don't have a community around them and that we may be the light that draws them into the family of Christ.
5. Make Your Contribution to the Conversation
We really want to hear back from your Impact Group after each session. Please find a few minutes to summarise what you hear from God, the highlights of the discussion, and any questions that were raised, in the comments box immediately below.
About the speaker
Janet is from France, England, Iceland, and spent 14 years in Greece as a missionary with Hellenic Ministries. She currently serves on the Lausanne Europe regional team. She is co-founder of Truth Matters, a graduate of the Oxford Center for Christian Apologetics, and is currently working on an MA in Contemporary Missiology with a European focus. She is am married to Mehran, a wonderful Persian man, and has a passion to reach all of Europe with the Gospel.