September 2020 Conversation
Now it is September, many Impact Groups will be starting again after the summer and some groups will be starting for the first time. Either way, everything you need is right here.
One of the characteristics of the New Europe is the presence of many Christians from the Global South living, working, and worshipping here. From its inception, the Lausanne Europe 20/21 Conversation and Gathering has sought to bring people together across nations, cultures and generations, so that the new Europe might be impacted afresh by the Dynamic Gospel. The September 2020 Conversation encourages the Impact Groups to reflect on this new reality.
We will learn about intercultural church from a Zimbabwean pastor working in the UK. And, as we reflect once again on mission mobilisation, we will listen to an interview with a Kenyan missionary to Europe.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at
And if you are just starting your Impact Group, or are confused about what they are about, then check out the introduction pages to the Conversation and Impact Groups to find out more.
One of the characteristics of the New Europe is the presence of many Christians from the Global South living, working, and worshipping here. From its inception, the Lausanne Europe 20/21 Conversation and Gathering has sought to bring people together across nations, cultures and generations, so that the new Europe might be impacted afresh by the Dynamic Gospel. The September 2020 Conversation encourages the Impact Groups to reflect on this new reality.
We will learn about intercultural church from a Zimbabwean pastor working in the UK. And, as we reflect once again on mission mobilisation, we will listen to an interview with a Kenyan missionary to Europe.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at
And if you are just starting your Impact Group, or are confused about what they are about, then check out the introduction pages to the Conversation and Impact Groups to find out more.
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Intercultural Mission
In our series of reflections on the key issues for mission in Europe today, we are looking this month at the issue of intercultural mission and intercultural churches. God has mobilised his global church to bring believers from the Global South to many of our cities and towns. Anderson Moyo, writes from his experience of planting an intercultural church in Sheffield, UK. Before you have your Impact Group, make sure you have read his insightful article.
We would also like you to listen to another Podcast in preparation for this month’s Impact Group. This is an interview with Brenda Amondi, a young Kenyan woman who came to Europe four years ago as a missionary. A transcript of the interview is also available to read.
Podcast and Transcript
1. Introductions and Prayer
Give time for everyone to introduce themselves if this is your first Impact Group. Ask someone to pray that God would speak to us as we meet together.
2. Intercultural Church
Migration has changed the face of the European church. Of course, there are many Europeans living, working, and worshipping in other parts of Europe, but over the last few decades, hundreds and thousands of churches have been planted in Europe by Africans, Latin Americans, and Asians. Some of these are ethnic congregations gathering worshippers exclusively from their own diaspora communities. But many have a heart for reaching the population of their host country, and some are seeking to plant intentionally intercultural churches that reflect the reality of the New Europe.
Read the article by Anderson Moyo “An Intercultural Church Perspective on Mission in Europe” and then in your Impact Group discuss the following questions:
Read the article by Anderson Moyo “An Intercultural Church Perspective on Mission in Europe” and then in your Impact Group discuss the following questions:
- Anderson Moyo argues that intercultural churches are “critical to the advancement of the gospel in twenty-first century Europe”. Why does he say that? What stood out to you from his perspective as a Global South church leader working in Europe today?
- All churches, but particularly intercultural churches, are an expression of “diversity in unity and unity in diversity”. Do you make a point of celebrating the different cultures in your church / organization / workplace and, if not, how might you do that? Have you seen intercultural events provide opportunities for sharing the gospel?
- Anderson argues that the intercultural nature of the church is a challenge to church leaders to engage with issues of identity and racial justice. Are the issues of race and justice dealt with from the pulpit, or in other ways, in your church? Is the church being a prophetic voice in your country in regard to these issues? What scriptures should be informing our behaviour and actions when it comes to situations of racial injustice and discrimination?
3. Mobilisation
We now want you to think a bit more about how God has been mobilising the church for mission around the world. You should have already listened to the podcast with Brenda Amondi before the Impact Group. When you are together with your group, we would like you to consider the following questions:
- What examples have you seen in your situation, of God mobilising his people from across the world to share the gospel in Europe? What have been the challenges and opportunities of this for your church / organization / workplace?
- Is there a church or organisation in your area, or elsewhere in the world, with which you could partner in a similar way as what you heard in the podcast to foster mobilisation for mission in Europe today? What would be the strengths or weaknesses of such a partnership?
- What are some of the issues that have come up in your church / organisation / workplace due to cultural differences and how did you handle them?
4. Prayer
Always make sure that you leave enough time to pray together every time you meet. Here are the prayer points for this month’s Conversation:
- Pray that as the Church in Europe (and the Global Church), we may acknowledge and celebrate our racial and cultural diversity, and learn to embrace the distinctive and rich contribution of the Missionaries from the Global South.(1 Corinthians 1:10-17)
- Pray for God’s grace to be able to put our focus on the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20), so that we may raise disciples as a Church unified in Christ, even in our diversity. As the Church in Europe, may we be found to be people of peace who receive missionaries that God sends our way, to help in building the Kingdom of God (Luke 10:1-12)
- Pray for God’s wisdom and discernment to be able to identify the areas of division between us and others- be it in our cultures or ethnicities, church practises etc. May we repent of these and seek reconciliation, as we celebrate the beauty in our diversity. May we be courageous enough to seek to build bridges, forgive and ask for forgiveness and use our prophetic voice to break the hopeless cycle of racism.
5. Make Your Contribution to the Conversation
We really want to hear back from your Impact Group after each session. Please find a few minutes to summarise what you hear from God, the highlights of the discussion, and any questions that were raised, in the comments box immediately below.
About the speaker
Janet is from France, England, Iceland, and spent 14 years in Greece as a missionary with Hellenic Ministries. She currently serves on the Lausanne Europe regional team. She is co-founder of Truth Matters, a graduate of the Oxford Center for Christian Apologetics, and is currently working on an MA in Contemporary Missiology with a European focus. She is am married to Mehran, a wonderful Persian man, and has a passion to reach all of Europe with the Gospel.