
Issues of the New Europe: Trends for Mission Today

Europe is a tremendously complex, diverse, and dynamic context for Christian mission. There are so many trends and influences that getting to grips with all of them can seem an impossible task. This plenary will provide an overview of the crucial issues and trends which are shaping our continent and their implications for Christian mission in Europe today. A fuller treatment can be found in Europe 2021 - A Missiological Report, click here to download the report and here for the accompanying discussion guide.
About the speaker
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Jim Memory is a member of the International Leadership Team of the European Christian Mission (ECM). He and his wife Christine were church planters in Spain from 1994-2008 before moving into mission leadership.

For the last 10 years, Jim has taught the postgraduate modules on European Mission at Redcliffe College and continues to do this now through All Nations Christian College (UK). He is one of the founding editors of Vista, a research-based journal on crucial issues for mission in Europe, and is the author of Europe 2021, a recent report on the context for mission in Europe today.

Jim and Christine have three adult children and they live between the UK and Spain.