All Speakers
Plenary Speakers
Dave Patty
Multiplex Speaker, Speakers, FacultatifDave PattyBiographyDave Patty has been involved in training youth leaders and leading national and international youth movements in Europe for over 30 years and serves as the president of Josiah Venture. He is also a founding member of...
Martin Durham
Seminar Speaker, Speakers, FacultatifMartin DurhamBiographyAfter spending 15 years employed by Barclays Bank PLC, Rev. Martin Durham received a clear call to leave banking and pursue the office of evangelist, becoming the founding director of Kerygma180 (K180) in May...
Slavko Hadžić
Seminar Speaker, Speakers, FacultatifSlavko HadžićBiographySlavko Hadžić is evangelist and preacher. He lives in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, where he was pastoring Evangelical church for 15 years. His ministry is focused on evangelism (with FEUER - Fellowship of...
Multiplex Speakers
Seminar Speakers
Islam and the Gospel
Teaching Seminars, FacultatifTeaching SeminarIslam and the GospelIn this seminar we are addressing some key questions that emerge from our experience of welcoming immigrants and refugees: How can we understand the times we are living in now in Europe? What purpose...
Moving In as a Mission
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarMoving In as a MissionJoin this seminar to learn about what it means to be rooted in a neighbourhood and use everyday interactions as opportunities to introduce people to the Jesus way of life. The seminar will...
Decolonizing Mission
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarDecolonizing MissionThe Decolonizing Mission seminar focuses on the influence of Majority World missionaries on ministry in Europe....
Responding to the Challenge of Nominal Christianity
Teaching Seminars, FacultatifTeaching SeminarResponding to the Challenge of Nominal ChristianitySomething has gone terribly wrong. One third of the world call themselves ‘Christians’, but a significant proportion of them are missing. Many of them are missing from...
Lessons from the Early Church and the Reformation
Teaching Seminars, FacultatifTeaching SeminarLearning from History: Key Lessons from the Early Church and the ReformationGetting to know our own history provides us with personal and cultural identity. Knowing the history of the Christian church gives us...
Winning Second Generation Diaspora for Christ
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarWinning Second Generation Diaspora for ChristThe future of European Christianity depends, to some extent, on the faith of the second-diaspora generation in Europe. There is no one really effectively discipling this...
The Gospel and the City
Teaching Seminars, FacultatifTeaching SeminarThe Gospel and the CityOver 70% of Europeans live in urban areas. If we don’t focus on the challenges and opportunities of cities and towns, we won’t see Christian revival in Europe. If we don’t learn to love and bless...
The Conflict of Faith and Science as a Stumbling Block in Missions
Teaching Seminars, FacultatifTeaching SeminarThe Conflict of Faith and Science as a Stumbling Block in MissionsMany non-scientists feel baffled by atheist arguments that science has disproven the existence of God. However, this notion often stems from a...
Tackling Today’s Global Issues
Teaching Seminars, FacultatifTeaching SeminarTackling Today's Global IssuesThe Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a call to action for all countries to tackle today's global problems. Can the Bible, Christian faith and theological reflection be of help when...
Reaching University Students
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarReaching University StudentsThe University campus is one of the most strategic and fruitful mission fields in Europe today. We will be learning together from some of the best examples from around Europe of how...
Collaboration Between Diaspora and European Churches
Teaching Seminars, FacultatifTeaching SeminarCollaboration Between Diaspora and European ChurchesThe diaspora concept is not new within the social and political situation, but it is novel for a critical analysis of the global mission of the evangelical movement....
Purposeful Sexuality: What is sexuality for?
Teaching Seminars, FacultatifTeaching SeminarPurposeful Sexuality: What is sexuality for?If you're a human being, then you are a sexual being. But what is your sexuality for? Our standard answers often fail to help us as Christians or to connect with our cultures,...
The New Paradigm of Relationships in Social Media
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarThe New Paradigm of Relationships in Social MediaHow has social media changed our way of interacting with one another and our understanding of relationships? We look closer at the challenges and opportunities that...
The Church and Populistic Politics
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarThe Church and Populistic PoliticsThe seminar aims to analyse populism in Europe, going beyond its simple condemnation and exploring the reasons why it emerges. It also analyses the appeal that populism can have for...
The Future of Theological Education
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarThe Future of Theological EducationAs theological education goes, so goes the church. The training and preparation for church leaders (pastors, missionaries, teachers, parachurch staff etc.) is the key for sound...
Integrity is a Personal Issue of Importance
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarIntegrity is a Personal Issue of ImportanceIntegrity begins with “me”. Am I a person of integrity, correctness and doing right in my daily life? The Scriptures give us numerous recommendations and set standards for...
Ideals, Conspiracies, and Realities: Christian Responses to the EU Project
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarIdeals, Conspiracies, and Realities: Christian Responses to the EU ProjectThe role, or absence thereof, of Evangelicals in the European integration project has been shaped by various historical realities and...
Getting to Know the Diaspora Churches of Europe
Teaching Seminars, FacultatifTeaching SeminarGetting to Know the Diaspora Churches of EuropeThis seminar explores the history, mission, ecclesiology, challenges and contributions of diaspora people in Europe. Three speakers will look at the African Diaspora, Latin...
Christian Identity in an Age of “Identity Politics”
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarChristian Identity in an Age of “Identity Politics”There is a lot of talk about ”identity politics” these days. Generally speaking, this term is used to describe how people are united for political causes with their...
The Christian and Political Involvement
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarThe Christian and Political InvolvementThis seminar will help the participants to get a grip on the basics of Christian involvement in politics. How do you translate Christian engagement in political engagement? What...
A Muslim’s View of Europe
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarA Muslim’s View of EuropeHow does the ordinary muslim view European culture and society? What are the gaps and challenges between the muslim and the Christian world(view) and how can the gap be bridged?...
Sharing Christ with People of Different Cultures
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarSharing Christ with People of Different CulturesTo share Christ with people of different culture we need Friendship and Love, Kindness and Compassion, Listening and Concern, Testimony and Transparency, Gospel and Life...
Whole-Life Mentoring to Release Gospel Joy and Boldness
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarWhole-Life Mentoring to Release Gospel Joy and BoldnessIt is vital that our Gospel communication is authentic. Through Whole-Life mentoring “the reason for our hope” matures in us and we find relevant words to express...
Turning Up the Heat: Biblical and Practical Responses to Climate Change
Teaching Seminars, FacultatifTeaching SeminarTurning Up the Heat: Biblical and Practical Responses to Climate ChangeIn our seminar, we will present some theological thoughts on climate change before describing various ways how believers can practically engage in...
Reconciliation in a Polarized World
Teaching Seminars, FacultatifTeaching SeminarReconciliation in a Polarized WorldOur world is being torn apart by many conflicts - religious, inter-ethnic and political. Nations are longing for peace. Christ's event and reconciling work encompassed all barriers and...
Human trafficking – How Can We Help?
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarHuman trafficking – How Can We Help?Loida will introduce us to what human trafficking is and what the various forms of exploitation are that victims experience. She will also propose possible solutions to the problem...
Championing Religious Freedom
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarChampioning Religious FreedomThe church’s central issue in our time is faithfulness. But freedom of religion and conscience — for people of all faiths — is central to our contribution to the welfare of Europe and our...
The Leadership Journey
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarThe Leadership JourneyHow to continue to grow and develop your leadership at any stage and any age....
Pitfalls and Building Blocks to Reach 10 to 15 Percent of the Population Extra with the Gospel
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarPitfalls and Building Blocks to Reach 10 to 15 Percent of the Population extra with the GospelWe will explore the different categories of disability without being a medical expert. How can lay people find out who has...
Theological and Practical Relevance of Evangelicals within an Eastern Orthodox Context
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarTheological and Practical Relevance of Evangelicals within an Eastern Orthodox ContextThis session will address the most prominent theological features of Eastern Orthodoxy in relation to Evangelicalism. The main...
Men and Women Leading Together for the Kingdom of God
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarMen and women leading together for the Kingdom of GodWe all want the Church to be strong and healthy. We want to see men and women contribute equally and overcome barriers of tradition. We want to have good Biblical...
Reaching and Discipling Secular Youth
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarReaching and Discipling Secular YouthThe current urban population, connected by consumerism, social media, and the entertainment industry forms the largest global youth culture ever to exist. It spans the globe,...
Burning On without Burning Out
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarBurning On without Burning OutWhy do I find myself becoming spiritually dry in my life and ministry? This seminar seeks to explore this theme and to discover ways in which we can, with Christ's help, be able to...
Why Sport Matters More Than Anything Else Today
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarWhy Sport Matters More Than Anything Else TodaySport is huge! 80% of the world watches or participates in it, and it’s increasingly a place to create community. Sport is not only an excellent 'tool' in evangelism but...
Anxiety Among the Young
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarAnxiety Among the YoungAnxiety is one of the biggest issues everyone is facing in this time of multicrises. It has much to do with uncertainty, something especially relevant to the young. How do we deal with this, no...
How Can We Overcome the Gods of Europe?
Teaching Seminars, FacultatifTeaching SeminarHow Can We Overcome the Gods of Europe?Europe is not, as often supposed, a secularised continent cleansed of all gods of the past, but rather a region rife with false gods. How can we discern these idols, overcome them...
God’s Refugees Among Us: Let Them Flourish
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarGod’s Refugees Among Us: Let Them FlourishThis seminar will set the stage for understanding the biblical foundations and the theological framework around the refugee situation. Might there be another way to call it...
Understanding and Responding to the Transgender Movement
Networking SeminarsNetworking Seminar Understanding and Responding to the Transgender MovementPeter: The transgender movement has exploded internationally in recent years, fueled by celebrity endorsement and high-level media and political support. It...
The Nation like an Idol: Apostle Paul on Nations and Borders
Networking SeminarsNetworking SeminarThe Nation like an Idol: Apostle Paul on Nations and BordersThe rise of the national state is the result of the rise of the Enlightenment in the West, in which the Rousseauian citizen and civilian religion fill the...
Dialogue with Catholic Christians
Networking SeminarsNetworking SeminarDialogue with Catholic Christians Dialogue is a buzzword that can mean many things. There is certainly a place for dialogue among Evangelicals and Catholics, but what does such a dialogue entail? Is dialogue...
Fostering a Disciple-Making Culture
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarFostering a Disciple-Making Culture Making disciples is meant to be the fuel that feeds and grows the church, but many Christians consider being a disciple, let alone making them, optional. This session sparks the...
Dynamic Gospel for Europe’s Secular Young Adults
Teaching SeminarsTeaching SeminarDynamic Gospel for Europe’s Secular Young AdultsMany young people and young adults don’t set foot into our churches anymore. Having grown up in a secularized Europe, this generation is looking for purpose and wanting to...
Key Opportunities and Challenges for the Church in a Media Age
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarKey Opportunities and Challenges for the Church in a Media AgeWe live in a media-saturated age, which presents the church in Europe with an unprecedented opportunity for making the case for the truth of Christ. How...
Apologetics in Christian Mission in Europe and Beyond
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarApologetics in Christian Mission in Europe and BeyondIn a postmodern, post-factual society people are less concerned with the question of truth. Rather, they want to know about how to lead a good and happy life....
Europe’s Role in World Mission
Networking SeminarsNetworking SeminarEurope’s Role in World MissionThis seminar affirms the position that Europe still has a role to play in world mission alongside the rest of the global church and will make some recommendations to this effect. The...
Creation Care and Christian Mission: The Gospel in Action
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarCreation Care and Christian Mission: The Gospel in ActionHow should Christians respond to growing concerns over the environment? And what does this have to do with Christian mission? This seminar will explore the...
Preaching with a Missional Aim
Networking SeminarsNetworking SeminarPreaching with a Missional AimWhat if we preached to both Christians and non-Christians from the same sermon in our church services? In this seminar, we will be invited to consider an approach to preaching that...
Pornography in the Church – How to Respond with a Better Story
Networking SeminarsTeaching SeminarPornography in the Church - How to Respond with a Better StoryPornography lies about everything that is true, healthy and good for man's sexuality. The Church strives to meet this theme as it touches our deep longings...
Dynamic Gospel in the Marketplace
Networking SeminarsNetworking SeminarDynamic Gospel in the MarketplaceThree Christian perspectives on living out the dynamic Gospel in the marketplace in a new Europe....
Ethics and AI
Networking SeminarsTeaching SeminarEthics and AIAI is useful. AI is problematic. AI is pervasive. Areas of application vary immensely and are increasing. As with any pervading technology, a redefinition of what we consider human beings, of how we live as...
Surprising Stories of Church Planting in Contemporary Europe
Teaching SeminarsTeaching SeminarSurprising Stories of Church Planting in Contemporary EuropeIs there a new day for the church in Europe? Where many people see decline and stagnation, there is a stream of new attempts to plant communities that reach...
ART: The Language of the European Soul
Teaching SeminarsTeaching SeminarART: The Language of the European Soul Tim Keller said, “The church needs artists because without art we cannot reach the world.” Why? Because artists speak a powerful language that unlocks the soul, the language of...
Workplace Insights for Shaping Europe
Teaching Seminars, FacultatifTeaching SeminarWorkplace Insights for Shaping EuropeWith Europe changing rapidly and church attendance almost everywhere in decline, what lessons have marketplace champions learned about the scope and capacity of the Gospel to meet...
Mobilizing National Church-Planting Processes in Europe
Networking SeminarsNetworking SeminarMobilizing National Church-Planting Processes in EuropeOver the past 10 years a group of church-planting leaders from diverse European nations has met regularly to think through National Church Planting Processes...
Fivefold Ministry: You were not made to do it all by yourself
Networking SeminarsNetworking SeminarFivefold Ministry: You were not made to do it all by yourselfRegardless of the church model and leadership structure, the new Europe requires a balance of gifts and abilities in order to effectively accelerate the...
Simple Church – Missionally Effective through Simplicity
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarSimple Church - Missionally Effective through SimplicityReducing the complexity of our churches can result in an intensified missional effectiveness. It is not only about modified structures or activities. It is...
Alongside Roma Christians: Working together for Holistic Change in Roma Communities
Networking SeminarsNetworking SeminarAlongside Roma Christians: Working together for Holistic Change in Roma CommunitiesGod has been working actively in Roma communities for decades, as can be seen in the rapid growth of Christianity in places like...
Understanding and Responding to Antisemitism
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarUnderstanding and Responding to AntisemitismWhat is anti-semitism and how is it to be understood? How is it related to anti-Judaism and anti-Zionism, and other forms of racism and prejudice? This seminar examines the...
Equipping the Now Generation for Lifelong Resilient Discipleship
Networking SeminarsNetworking SeminarEquipping the Now Generation for Lifelong Resilient DiscipleshipEurope now needs leadership from the young people who know they are called for such a time as this!...
In His Image: Reaching “New Europe” through Oral Communication
Networking Seminars, FacultatifNetworking SeminarIn His Image: Reaching "New Europe" through Oral CommunicationSince the Creation, God has used oral methods to communicate and teach His story. In this seminar, we will explore how the features of oral communication,...
Church Revitalization – a Vision and a Process
Networking SeminarsNetworking SeminarChurch Revitalization - a Vision and a ProcessHow can new life (revitalization!) be nurtured in a church that is stagnating or declining? There can be no quick fix, but this seminar will suggest ways to become a...
Islam and Apologetics
Networking SeminarsNetworking SeminarIslam and ApologeticsIn this seminar, we will try to demonstrate that apologetics are necessary to proclaim the Gospel to the Muslim people. We will give examples of the regular questions asked by Muslims: What can we...
A Culturally Relevant Public Articulation of the Gospel
Teaching Seminars, FacultatifTeaching SeminarA Culturally Relevant Public Articulation of the GospelWe are called to proclaim the Gospel publicly – not just because this form of evangelism works – but more fundamentally because it is biblical! But how can we do it...
Mobilizing your Church in Evangelism
Networking SeminarsTeaching SeminarMobilizing your Church in EvangelismStirring others to the evangelistic task is an ongoing challenge. With plenty of practical insights, this seminar explores the "how to" of mobilizing your church to spread the Gospel...
Personal Revival: Leading from an Outflow
Teaching SeminarsTeaching SeminarPersonal Revival: Leading From an Outflow"Will you not revive us again so that your people may rejoice in you?" Ps 95:6 As we long for a Move of God in Europe, this multiplex will explore the fascinating topic of...
Janet is from France, England, Iceland, and spent 14 years in Greece as a missionary with Hellenic Ministries. She currently serves on the Lausanne Europe regional team. She is co-founder of Truth Matters, a graduate of the Oxford Center for Christian Apologetics, and is currently working on an MA in Contemporary Missiology with a European focus. She is am married to Mehran, a wonderful Persian man, and has a passion to reach all of Europe with the Gospel.